Setting Your Affairs in Order

Setting Your Affairs In Order!

“…Hezekiah became deathly ill, and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to visit him. He gave the king this message: “This is what the LORD says: ‘Set your affairs in order, for you are going to die. You will not recover from this illness.’” Isaiah 38:1 (NLT)

A good friend just gave me a tearful update prior to major surgery. His doctor let him know that he likely faces a series of serious challenges ahead even after the operation. My friend isn’t naive, he knows that his end could be sooner than he and his family had ever imagined. He’s not afraid, but he is alert to his need to keep his affairs tidied up. Are you?

I’ve been putting my affairs in order lately. Truth be told, I’ve never been this old before. So, I’ve been on mission to tidy my files, lists and records up for quite some time. I never cease to be amazed how much time and effort is involved in the on-going chores of running a little organization and the business side of our simple two-person household. The challenge of just keeping up with various financial accounts, email requests and password changes is never ending.

On my best days I just consider it helpful “brain work” to keep my rusty mental machinery in reasonable working order. Unfortunately, every day is not my best attitude day. However, whenever I get to feeling a little sorry for myself, someone else usually reminds me that I’m not alone. In fact, we recently needed The Geek Squad gurus to fix a problem with our TV and remote. The tech guy said that was no problem for him. But while he is an expert when it comes to TVs and audio systems, he confessed that his own kids have to help him with his home computer!

The challenge of keeping everything and every account in operational order is unrelenting. It’s the sort of “home work” that seems to have no end. No matter who you are or how much you have to manage, it all requires diligence to keep your affairs in order.

“… The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty…” Proverbs 14:25. Tim Keller made this observation: “Finally, organizing is a matter of … being organized. Disorganization is selfishness, a lack of love in little things.” When I shared that a few times, several found it to be soul piercing. They were convicted of their need to be more organized for the sake of those they love and lead. How about you?

Be sure you know the condition of your flocks,

give careful attention to your herds;

for riches do not endure forever,

and a crown is not secure for all generations.

Proverbs 27:34-35

What if we applied these verses to our resources and our relationships? What if we kept better records of both for the good of those who work with us, live with us or who might one day follow us? Personally, I regularly give Linda a technological tour of where to find various accounts and contacts. She has easy access to everything. This I know, any thing that your spouse has no access to is not a good thing!

Love is practical. It means taking time to regularly tidy up your affairs. That means your passwords, your calendar, your financial accounts, your legal will. You may want to ask:

How should I be more organized?

What simple things can I do now for the good of my family later?

After I’m gone will I leave a mess to be cleaned up or a message of care-fullness?

Here’s how Andy Stanley asks it: “What does love require of me?” “Those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.” Proverbs 14:22b

Happy Tidy New Year,


Grace & Peace,


Who Cares?

